Paleo Pines Discoverer & Tender Skills: What Do They Do?

Publish date: 2024-04-05

Are you trying to learn more about the discoverer and tender dino skills in Paleo Pines and what they do? Here’s everything you need to know about them.

Discoverer makes it easier to locate Dreamstones around the map as dinosaurs with this skill will start glowing when there’s one nearby. Tender allows the dino to plant seeds and makes it easier to maintain your farm without using stamina.

In this guide, I will explain how the discovered and tender skills work in Paleo Pines and list all dinos with these two skills to help you find one to tame.

Also, if you’re exploring the map looking for something Earthy and Crunchy, check out our guide on how to find Dandelions in Paleo Pines.

Discoverer Dino Skill Explained

Discoverer is an exploration dino skill in Paleo Pines with the following effect:

Since Dreamstones are important for taming and bringing new dinosaurs to your ranch, having a dino with the Discoverer skill is essential.

Specifically, the following dinos have the Discoverer skill:

Thankfully, you have a wide variety of dinosaurs to choose from and they can be found in all three biomes of the game.

For a more detailed list, check out our guide on all dinosaur locations in Paleo Pines, as well as their skills and favorite treats.

Tender Dino Skill Explained

Tender is a farming dino skill in Paleo Pines that has the following effect:

As you can see, Tender will help increase the efficiency of your farm. While it’s not the most important skill (Tiller and Waterer manage to stand out due to being more stamina and time-efficient), it can help you save some stamina.

As for the dinosaurs that have this skill, they are the exact same as the ones with the Discoverer skill. Each dinosaur that has the Discoverer skill also has the Tender skill.

Choose the dinosaur that’s closer to your location and that can be tamed with the treats you have available.

Wrapping up

To sum up, this is everything you need to know about the Discoverer and Tender dino skills in Paleo Pines.

Both are helpful in different ways; the former makes it easier to find Dreamstones while the latter allows you to plant seeds more efficiently.

Which dino have you tamed with these two skills? Do you think Tender is worth it or are all other farming skills better overall? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

If you’re interested in a boarder overview of skills, check out our Paleo Pines dino skills guide.

Harry Harry has been a fan of video games from a very young age and writing allows him to share that passion with others. His favorite genres include MMORPGs, survival, and FPS.

He has a Master’s Degree in Philosophy, which allows him to always come up with a fresh approach to solving in-game puzzles and challenges, but also to create content that’s to the point, clean and easy to follow.


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